MBTI types - Understand youself better and cope with anxiety
Jan 1, 2024
What is MBTI?
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular tool used to understand personality preferences.
While it does not directly measure mental health conditions, there is speculation about potential connections between MBTI types and anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.

by macrovector_official
MBTI categorizes individuals into four dichotomies:
- Introversion/Extraversion
- Sensing/Intuition
- Thinking/Feeling
- Judging/Perceiving.
Each preference represents different ways of perceiving and interacting with the world.
Some studies and theories have explored potential connections between MBTI types and mental health.
Anxiety and Introverted Types:
Introverted types (such as INFP, INFJ, ISFJ) may be more prone to anxiety due to their tendency to internalize emotions and engage in deep introspection. They may experience higher levels of anxiety in response to stressors or overwhelming situations.

Anxiety and Perfectionistic Types:
Perfectionistic types (e.g., INFJ, INTJ) who have a strong desire for excellence and high standards may be more susceptible to anxiety. Their drive for perfection and fear of failure can create significant stress and anxiety.
Anxiety and Sensing Types:
Sensing types (e.g., ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ) who focus on concrete details and practicality may experience anxiety when faced with uncertainties or ambiguous situations. They may feel more comfortable in structured environments and may struggle with anxiety in unpredictable circumstances.
Anxiety and Thinking/Feeling Types:
Individuals with a strong preference for thinking (e.g., INTJ, ENTJ, ESTJ) may be prone to internalize stress and experience anxiety due to their logical and analytical nature. Feeling types (e.g., INFP, INFJ, ENFJ) who prioritize emotions and values may also experience anxiety when their values are compromised or when faced with interpersonal conflicts.
If you are interested in MBTI but haven't taken a test on it. It is worth a try to explore on how these personalities leads to your daily stress or anxiety.